i recently took a moment to consider what's happened since my partners and i at G4D agreed to embark on this endeavor.
- G4D was incorporated
- G4D infrastructure (business account, payroll, website, etc) established
- G4D staff trained in Innovation Games facilitation
- G4D contacted by City of San Jose to help with a citizen's outreach program for their next budget
- G4D contacted by Kansas State legislature's Gov't 2.0 program (KLISS) to investigate possible engagement
- G4D contacted by Grameen Foundation's cloud-based micro-finance service
- G4D contacted by the Icelandic Gov't to look at potential citizen involvement program
- G4D's first trial game of Buy-a-Feature in a healthcare system was run and a great success
- G4D has received nearly 26,000 USD in donations
- G4D has received nearly 100,000 USD in in-kind donation of time and resources
- G4D has added the following volunteers
- David Chilcott -- Bay Area Agilist and Consultant
- Antoinetta Latev -- Software architect
- In addition to it's staff which includes
- Greg Meredith
- Stani Meredith
- Joel David Palmer
- Luke Hohmann
i'm writing this entry having just gotten off the phone with Gudlaugur Egilsson who is tasked with designing a process for renewing public engagement in Iceland over the Icesave legislation. He is quite keen to use a game.
We are well into the execution stage of setting up the January 25th 2010 game of Buy-a-Feature in a Healthcare System at the Spitfire in Seattle. Part of what fuels my excitement for this event is the trial game we ran on Jan 3rd. The results were so positive and reaffirming of what we know to be true about people's deep-seated need to re-engage that -- as you know if you read my last blog entry -- i felt compelled to craft this open letter to WA state senators.
Clearly, this is a breath-taking pace. i believe it's an indication that we're doing something that people recognize is necessary and timely. So, i hope you will consider coming to our event and seeing first hand what is underway.